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The bloody War of Revolution sparks a new democracy in the British colonies and makes household names of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson. As the century comes to a close, legendary rider Paul Revere forges a unique medallion in the fires of Boston. Decades later, another rebellion grips the land, splitting the fledgling country asunder. As the North and South collide in a devastating civil war, the Revere medallion rises from the ashes to spark a new generation of American heroes.
When patriotic fever sweeps the country, Paul’s grandson marches into battle with the famed Harvard regiment but he finds the horrors of war a steep price to pay for glory. A Southern belle must decide where her true loyalties lie when faced with the ultimate choice. A young officer struggles to maintain his principles as Robert E. Lee pushes toward Gettysburg, and he must wrestle with the true meaning of freedom. As the battles rage around them, the three must learn to adapt as politics and prejudice undermine Lincoln’s hope for salvation.
Uniting the trio in the greatest conflict America has ever faced is the famed Revere medallion and the special strength it gives to those who possess it. Three men and women are tested to their breaking points as they must learn to face their fears and find a way to save their beloved country against insurmountable odds.
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
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Gifts of the Gods: Iron and Bronze by Thomas J. Berry
Five men and women in Ancient Greece are set on a dangerous journey of self-discovery during the bitter conflict of the Peloponnesian War. 50 years after Spartan king Leonidas and his brave 300 fought to the death against Xerxes’ Persian hordes at Thermopylae, a long and bloody conflict erupted between the militant regime and democratic Athens.
Five men and women in Ancient Greece are set on a dangerous journey of self-discovery during the bitter conflict of the Peloponnesian War. The Peace of Nicias has ended a decade of fighting between Athens and Sparta but skirmishes continue to mount as both sides try to gain the advantage. The action moves abroad where riches await the victor.
GIFTS OF THE GODS: Fire and Ash by Thomas J. Berry
Five men and women in Ancient Greece are set on a dangerous journey of self-discovery during the bitter conflict of the Peloponnesian War.
About the Author
Thomas Berry received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from St. Bonaventure University. He takes pleasure in extensively researching both historical fiction and non-fiction stories. In his spare time, he enjoys long-distance running and has completed the Boston, New York, and Chicago marathons. He currently lives with his wife and children in New Jersey
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