American Calamity: The Continentals – by Edward S. Pocock III

American Calamity: The Continentals – by Edward S. Pocock III

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About the Book

“…indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The words now felt like a distant memory to Stephen Moore. North Korea had successfully orchestrated an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack that did exactly what China had hoped for– split the United States into warring factions, unleashing a level of violence and terror that would have made even the biggest horror movie fans go pale.

How could this have happened so easily? Is there anything that could bring the US back?

In a struggle for power and territory, there seems to be no depth of immorality that people won’t sink to– including former Vice President Sirrah who assumed control of the presidency and claimed a critical territory in the northeastern states now known as The Meg. Citizens are operating in survival mode, making the boundaries of good versus evil, right versus wrong, and patriot versus rebel all the more unclear.

From food shortages to new foreign invasions, nuclear threats to voracious hogs in the NYC subway tunnels, American Calamity: The Continentals leaves no terrifying stone unturned in the sequel to the acclaimed dystopian page-turner, American Calamity. Perhaps the most alarming of all is that this fiction doesn’t stray far from what could be a future reality.

Are you ready to get deeply immersed back into Moore’s post-apocalyptic reality? Don’t worry. Spanky, the old military tank with a never-say-die spirit, has got your six.

American Calamity: The Continentals continues the story of Moore’s journey into the abyss of a worldwide nuclear disaster. From a rag-tag group of regional rebels to a growing North American movement, American Calamity: The Continentals provides hope in a country where little exists. A hope continually challenged by America’s enemies–both foreign and domestic.

American Calamity: The Continentals is perfect for fans of One Second After, Edge of Collapse, and Out of the Ashes.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.


American Calamity. In this fast-paced adventure, there is a plethora of action and conflict to appease any adrenaline junkie, as well as an underlying message of hope, resourcefulness, and the dignity of humanity in the face of unspeakable disaster. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and highly recommend it.
– Grant Leishman

American Calamity. Edward S. Pocock III’s writing is both engaging and thought-provoking, effectively capturing the tension and uncertainty of a society on the brink of collapse. The themes of survival, loyalty, and patriotism are woven seamlessly into the narrative, providing depth to the action-packed storyline.
– Foram Vyas

American Calamity. Pocock has crafted a thrilling and thought-provoking story with plenty to offer fans of high-concept and high-action novels. I fell into the dystopian narrative with immediate ease thanks to the immersive and atmospheric language, and the story rooted in current geopolitical tensions made everything feel gripping and eerily plausible.
– K.C. Finn

About the Author

Ed is a retired police captain and former world ranked police sniper. He is also very well versed in government affairs.


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