The Agency One – by Del Uvon Bates

The Agency One – by Del Uvon Bates

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A story of sisters Elaine and Lou Richards – twins bonded not only through family, but a career of secrecy and deception – working as agents for The Agency. Despite a desperate attempt to temporarily break away from their busy lives, they ultimately find themselves embarking on a mission in which they’ve never faced before. Follow the Richard’s, as they pursue a psychotic serial killer along the beaches of California and Washington State. If this wasn’t enough, they’re also in a race against time to find a missing college student, and a fellow agent gone rogue. A riveting thriller – filled with suspense, mystery and romance.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Del Uvon Bates was born in Indiana. At an early age she thought she was an artist. Started her career as a young child whittling fence posts on a farm in Indiana. Studied sculpture in California. Was president of Art Association in Pacific Palisades California and life member of Malibu Art Association and Pacific Palisades Art Association and is now trying her hand at writing.


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