The Faith Adventure – by Lee Hunter

The Faith Adventure – by Lee Hunter

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Here are faith building stories from 45 years of ministry experience, traveling in over 30 countries, most of which are hostile to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have seen God blind the eyes of border guards from finding Bibles and Christian literature destined for underground and house church Christians. Being directed by His Spirit when confronted with danger that could find us jailed, or worse.

In addition to these experiences, we have been invited to conduct healing festivals where sick, blind, deaf and many other infirmities are healed by our God who answers prayer on behalf of others. These crusades take place in areas that are so remote, the people who live there have not seen a white person. Yet they come in the hopes their lives will be touched, they experience healing and their lives are changed. Imagine what it is like to see a little girl raised from the dead. Even though it may be illegal to convert others to Christianity, when the people see the miracles and hear about Jesus Christ who is the healer, the people want to commit their lives to Him

Our team also provides leadership training to tribal leaders who do not have access to Bible schools or colleges. Some of these tribal leaders will walk for days through dangerous jungles to meet with us and enjoy practical Bible training.

This book talks about experiences like this which have built the faith of the author and will strengthen yours also.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Graduate of the University of Iowa. Lee Hunter traveled and ministered for 45 years, providing Bibles, Christian literature, conducted leadership training and healing crusades for believers in restricted countries. He is married to Pat and they have two children and four grandchildren.


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