BLESSED! Rape to Redemption to Rewards – by Suzanne L Maurer & Kristin P Snyder

BLESSED! Rape to Redemption to Rewards – by Suzanne L Maurer & Kristin P Snyder

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BLESSED!: From Rape to Redemption to Rewards reveals the tragedies of Suzanne’s date rape (in 1960), pregnancy, and forced marriage. Her agony is clear, as is the impact on her family. She also shows the inevitable but heart-breaking difficulties of the forced marriage, and the resulting divorce.

But God!

Suzanne explains and shows how God was working in her life, even before she became a believer. Through a “freak” accident and a sister living in Hawaii, God moved Suzanne where she met her husband of now more than 55 years, and built a wonderful family. Blessings abounded.

And then God!

God then redeemed the son conceived by date rape, using basketball as His tool! This is a gripping story all by itself!

Suzanne’s next encounter with Almighty God’s amazing grace was His using her son to lead her to Christ. The son conceived by date rape was instrumental in her own redemption.

Suzanne explains how she grew in the Lord, and shows readers how they themselves can mature spiritually. The Bible and prayer are fundamental keys, as are other disciplines she learned. She shows how.

Thrilling stories of the joy and results of sharing and serving the Lord follow. Come see the Lord at work.

Now, at 82, Suzanne has ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). This horrible disease to most would be a tragedy. But Suzanne, an ordinary Christian, is not a normal ALS patient. She shows us all how to joyfully live in illness, and how she has new opportunities to serve the Lord. God turned horrors into blessing.

Join her for her journey of living out HOPE (Helping Others Prepare for Eternity).

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Suzanne Maurer, an ordinary Christian, is living proof that God turns horrors into blessings. Date raped at 19, her son led her to Christ twenty years later. After 40 years of joyful living, she is now showing all of us how to live with ALS. Suzanne is truly blessed!


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