Consuming Revenge – by Bill Shaul

Consuming Revenge – by Bill Shaul

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Consuming Revenge presents the blood-thirsty results of allowing revenge to dominate the thoughts and actions of a highly respected citizen. This domination begins with the accidental deaths of two police officers and climaxes with the premediated plot to murder a third officer. Against this backdrop a budding romance grows between the targeted officer and the newspaper reporter. This romance is severely tested as revenge rages unabated.

Lane Stewart, Commander of the Inmate Transport Unit, or the ITU, just laid to rest two members of his unit. He soon realizes that their deaths were not accidental, but the first steps in a calculated plot to discredit Lane and the ITU, a plot that becomes more sinister as it morphs from merely tarnishing Lane’s reputation into a vengeful scheme to take his life. How will Lane’s faith in God help him survive this plot?

Danny O’Shaughnessy, the young, attractive newspaper reporter for the Daily Dispatch, has been assigned to write a series of investigative stories about the ITU. As she researches, she soon becomes charmed by the leader of this unit, a handsome, 40-something widower named Lane Stewart. As she grows closer to him, her new-found faith in Jesus Christ is tested. Having witnessed the death of her fiancé 5 years earlier in a skydiving accident, can she risk her heart again by becoming romantically involved with a man who is exposed to dangers every day at work?

The Source, a shadowy, mysterious figure, seems to know all about the inner workings of the ITU, and uses this knowledge to play unnerving mind games with both Lane and Danny. The Source sends Danny mysterious emails filled with intimate details of the ITU, then captures clandestine photos of Lane and Danny, and finally arranges a death trap for Lane. But who is pulling The Source’s strings, and why?

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Bill and Peggy Shaul have been happily married for 45 years and have reared four wonderful adult daughters. During these years, Bill has pursued a hobby and a dream: writing and publishing clean, wholesome fiction. He is thrilled to publish Consuming Revenge, his first novel.


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