Vestal Review
P.O. Box 35369
Brighton MA 02135
Website: http://www.vestalreview.org
Guidelines: http://www.vestalreview.org/guidelines
Email address: submissions@vestalreview.net
About The Publication:
“Launched in March of 2000, Vestal Review is the world’s oldest magazine dedicated exclusively to flash fiction.” Welcomes new writers. Bi-annual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-4 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. serial rights. No reprints. Responds within 3 months.
Pays $25 flat fee for 10-500 words and $100 for the annual VERA award.
Current Needs:
“Flash fiction under 500 words.” Pays $25 flat fee for 10-500 words and $100 for the annual VERA award. Submit via the link on the guidelines page.
Pays $25 flat fee for 10-500 words and $100 for the annual VERA award.
“Please read our guidelines before submitting.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes