Another Frivolous Prisoner Lawsuit
Court Says Prisoner Can’t Sue Newspaper For Not Publishing Vegas Gambling Odds
“A Pennsylvania inmate won’t be allowed to continue with his lawsuit against a newspaper that stopped printing Las Vegas gambling odds, a move that harmed his alleged illicit prison gambling operation.”
Authors say Apple’s actions actually enhanced competition, didn’t hurt it
Authors side with Apple in e-book price-fixing Supreme Court appeal
Case undermines “the very objective of antitrust law-to ensure robust competition.”
Possible prison sentence? For this???
Turkish court to decide if comparing Turkish president to ‘Lord of the Rings’ character Gollum is a crime
“It can’t be flattering to be compared to ‘Lord of the Rings’ character Gollum, but a Turkish court is trying to determine if it is a crime.
I’m gonna see this one!
‘Spotlight’ movie reveals how journalists really do their job
“The best lessons about how journalists work come from seeing them in action. And no film ever has done a better job of showing reporters and editors in their ‘watchdog’ role, digging out important news others want kept secret, than ‘Spotlight.'”