Law firm Giskan Solotaroff Anderson & Stewart is seeking authors who paid more than $10K for marketing services to POD publishers owned by Author Solutions (AuthorHouse, Xlibris, iUniverse, Trafford, and others)
Lawsuit against author of self-published book
Lawyer: Women’s photos in Powell’s book had ‘nothing to do with prostitution’
“Attorneys representing 11 women in a lawsuit against Katina Powell for what they say are false allegations in her tell-all book ‘Breaking Cardinal Rules’ made their first court appearance Monday.”
If you don’t take steps to prevent copyright infringement, expect legal problems later!
Kicking Copyright Pirates Off the Internet Gains Traction
“Last week, a federal judge issued a huge ruling by denying Cox safe harbor from copyright liability because it hadn’t reasonably implemented a repeat-infringer policy.”
Interesting read.
A bad review is not libelous
“Now, ask yourself this, if we allow this controversial libel lawsuit to prosper, what is to stop a director from suing a movie critic? What is to stop a chef from suing a customer who tweeted that the food tasted bland? What is to stop the musician from suing the audience who booed him onstage?”