Amazon’s reach and influence is absolutely amazing
Google Fires Head of U.S. Copyright Office
Pallante was locked out of her computer this morning, according to two sources who spoke with Library employees. Earlier, [the nominal head of the Library of Congress] had called several members of Congress to tell them about her decision. Later, she called the heads of several media business trade organizations to give them the news, according to one who received such a call.
WritersWeekly has been saying this for a LONG TIME!
This Is The Modern Publishing Business
“They should have done their research,” is the accusation – when someone gets screwed out of thousands after using a company owned by Penguin Random House, run by Simon & Schuster, and endorsed by the Authors Guild.
A result of “news” outlets no longer vatting their sources.
A former UVA dean’s defamation lawsuit over the debunked Rolling Stone rape story is about to start
The article, “A Rape on Campus,” caused an uproar over the issue of sexual violence in U.S. colleges, but Rolling Stone retracted it in April 2015 when discrepancies surfaced.
Going After Music Sharing
Music Publishers Score a Legal Win Over an Online Music Storage Firm
The rulings marked the latest turn in protracted court battles between the music industry and online content providers. They followed prior copyright litigation that led to the shutdown of another company Robertson founded, MP3.com.

It's A Dirty Job...Writing Porn For Fun And Profit! Includes Paying Markets!

Fact is, writing porn is fun! It's also one of the easier markets to crack and make money at while you're still honing your skills. "It's A Dirty Job..." is one of the only resources that can teach you everything you need to know to create your stories and target your markets.
Read more here:
It's a Dirty Job

Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
- Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
- Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography!
- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
Read more here:
QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments

Peek over the shoulders of highly successful freelance writers to see how they earn thousands per article! The query letter is the key!
In these pages, you'll find real query letters that landed real assignments for national magazines, websites, and corporations.
Also includes:
- Abbi Perrets' form letter that brings in $30,000-$45,000 annually
- Sample phone query from Christine Greeley
- The Six Golden Rules of Queries and Submissions...and How I Broke Them! by Bob Freiday
- Your Rights As a "Freelancer"
- and ANGELA HOY'S SECRET for finding ongoing freelance work from companies that have a stable of freelancers, yet never run ads for them!