Swedish “No-Go” zones for journalists??
Left Wing Swedish Newspaper Journalist Attacked in ‘No Go Zone’
“Police told the man that no patrols were available to help him and that he would have to get to the hospital on his own.”
Scammers posing as a publishing company.
‘Juno Publishing’ scam targets job seekers
” Job seekers should beware of an fraudulent email that claims to be from a company called Juno Publishing Limited.”
Oops! Amazon’s tentacles reach farther than most know!
Amazon server outage affects millions of companies and causes online chaos
“AMAZON’S giant servers crashed today causing chaos for millions of companies and people that use the cloud service and affected everything from larger web sites to people’s smarthomes and even library catalogues.”
Lightning gets default judgment in Tate Publishing lawsuit.
Federal judge approves collection actions against Mustang publisher
“The judgment … clears the way for plaintiff Lightning Source LLC to collect more than $2 million owed by Tate Publishing & Enterprises LLC and its president and CEO, Ryan Tate.”