All Romance EBooks closes – offers $0.10 on the dollar in royalties.
Publisher All Romance Ebooks: Closing Hits New Low In Stealing From Authors
“We will be unable to remit Q4 2016 commissions in full and are proposing a settlement of 10 cents on the dollar (USD) for payments received through 27 December 2016. We also request the following conditions:
1. That you consider this negotiated settlement to be “paid in full”.
2. That no further legal action be taken with regards to the above referenced commissions owed.”
You named it WHAT??
Justices to Hear Free Speech Clash Over Offensive Trademarks
“The Slants aren’t exactly a household name when it comes to music, but the Asian-American rock band has certainly made its mark in the legal world. The Oregon-based group has spent years locked in a First Amendment battle with the government, which refuses to register a trademark for the band’s name because it’s considered offensive to Asians.”
Next time….just make a clock.
‘Clock Boy’ Loses Big in Defamation Lawsuit
“During the hearing, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel David Yerushalmi explained to Judge Maricela Moore that the purpose of the lawfare-driven lawsuit was to intimidate into silence those who might comment publicly on the connection between jihad, terrorism, sharia, and Islam. Yerushalmi argued, ‘this case is a classic Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation or ‘SLAPP’ case and should be dismissed.’ ”
CBS made me the face of the drug epidemic!!
Hollywood Docket: CBS Sued for Defamation; Ed Sheeran Can’t Dodge ‘Photograph’ Suit
Samuel Ballengee is suing CBS, anchors Scott Pelley and Jim Axelrod and producer Ashley Velie, claiming they knowingly published false statements about him during multiple CBS Evening News broadcasts.