Copyright Infringement Suit Over Smiley Face
Nirvana Sues For Copyright Infringement Over Marc Jacobs’ Grunge Redux Collection
“Nirvana has used that copyright-protected design and logo continuously since 1992 to identify its music.”
Copyright Infringement is Rampant on Amazon
Stolen Artwork Is All Over Amazon — And Creators Want The Company To Do Something About It
“The issue of stolen artwork on Amazon is widespread and well-known, but the company hasn’t addressed the infringement in a meaningful way. Fighting unauthorized use of artists’ original work on the site remains a constant battle.”
Holding the Media Accountable for Lazy, Inaccurate Reporting
Lawyer Prepares Libel Suit Against Maligners of Covington Students
“‘Anyone who doesn’t correct and retract’ libelous stories related to an encounter near the Lincoln Memorial would face a lawsuit, Los Angeles-based trial lawyer Robert Barnes told PJMedia.”
More on Predatory Publishing
Indian academics lead the world in publishing in fake journals – tarring the whole education sector
“Even before the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-facilitated study, many observers had on several occasions expressed concern about Indian academics publishing in fake journals. A headline in Nature Asia captured the commonly-held view bluntly: ‘India tops submissions in predatory journals.'”
Maybe they should start focusing on honest reporting?
More than 1,000 media jobs lost in one day
“The struggle to create businesses that can support a healthy news environment is universal across the information ecosystem. It exists at the local, national and global levels, and across digital, print and television operations.”
Good for them for adhering to their ethics!
Gawker 2.0 Implodes as Its Only Reporters Quit
“The two reporters said they decided to leave the new Gawker after Bustle Digital Group—which bought the shuttered Gawker.com domain and its archives in a mid-2018 fire sale—refused to oust Griffith over offensive workplace comments about everything from poor people to black writers to her acquaintance’s penis size.”

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