A great idea for writers and artists to pitch to companies!
Contract Lawyers Turn to Comics for Help
“Inspired by Calvin & Hobbes and Tintin, some companies are putting their contracts into reader-friendly comic-book form.”
Interesting. If she doesn’t know who wrote it, she doesn’t own the copyright. The deceased heirs do. But, they’ll probably never know.
How Kathryn Scanlan Turned a Stranger’s Diary Into One of 2019’s Most Fascinating Works of Fiction
“Kathryn Scanlan’s outstanding debut, Aug 9—Fog, inventively adapts a real woman’s diary. This slim volume’s opening note states that 15 years ago at an estate auction, Scanlan found the diary of a woman who lived in small-town Illinois; the diary covered 1968 through 1972, and the woman was 86 years old when she started writing. Over the years, Scanlan ‘edited, arranged, and rearranged’ the contents, the product of which is Aug 9—Fog.”
Another sign Barnes and Noble may be dying a slow death.
Follett replaces Barnes & Noble as bookstore provider
“The change comes after Barnes & Noble’s nine-year contract expired and a committee made of representatives from different parts of the UH System evaluated their options.”
If he was telling the truth, why cancel the book tour?
Moby cancels book tour amid Natalie Portman backlash
“He had been promoting ‘Then It Fell Apart,’ his new memoir described on his site as ‘a journey into the dark heart of fame and the demons that lurk beneath the bling and bluster of the celebrity lifestyle. Over the course of three chapters in the book, Moby — born Richard Melville Hall — details a brief relationship with Natalie Portman, who was then 18 to his 33.’
What do YOU believe?
Historians attack Pitt professor David Garrow’s Martin Luther King allegations
“He claims new evidence shows King, whose extramarital affairs have long been known, was a ‘sexual libertine,’ alleging sexual activities with dozens of women and describing them in graphic detail. One of the claims would constitute a crime if true.”
Principal accused of plagiarizing graduation speech from Ashton Kutcher
“A Parkersburg principal accused of plagiarizing a graduation speech issued a statement on Facebook Wednesday, saying his mistake was in not citing his sources and it was not his intent to copy someone else’s work.”
#MeToo movement strikes again
Tony Robbins’ upcoming book dropped by publisher in wake of misconduct allegation
“The decision by Simon and Schuster comes after Robbins was accused of making inappropriate sexual advances on fans and staff and berating abuse victims in an investigation published this month by BuzzFeed News.”
What are your thoughts on this type of censorship? I have strong feelings on this topic based on knowing victims of this type of crime.
Turkish author and publisher detained over novel including pedophilia story
“A Turkish author and his publisher were detained on Wednesday after the excerpts from the latest novel of the author shared on social media created a public outcry over a story on child abuse, Anadolu Agency reported.”


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QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments

Peek over the shoulders of highly successful freelance writers to see how they earn thousands per article! The query letter is the key!
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Also includes:
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- Sample phone query from Christine Greeley
- The Six Golden Rules of Queries and Submissions...and How I Broke Them! by Bob Freiday
- Your Rights As a "Freelancer"
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