If you drive for Amazon in the UK, you might need to pee in a plastic bottle
Amazon drivers forced to deliver 200 parcels a day with no time for toilet breaks while earning less than minimum wage
“Staff have so little time for food or toilet stops they snatch hurried meals on the run and urinate into plastic bottles they keep in their vans.”
Are they planning to plead guilty?
Start of trial against Tate Publishing’s owners delayed again
“A preliminary hearing in the criminal trial of Richard and Ryan Tate, the owners of the now-defunct vanity press Tate Publishing, has been reset for a second time for ‘investigation, discovery and negotiations,’ court records show.”
1,875 complaints filed against Tate Publishing now
Attorneys on both sides of the criminal case against Richard Tate, and his son, Ryan, agree to a second postponement
“…the attorneys agreed to reset the hearing a for continued ‘investigation, discovery and negotiations,’ court records show.”
Huff-Po sued for Sexual Assault Story
Ex-TYT reporter launches $23.5m lawsuit over HuffPost sex assault claims
“Jordan Chariton filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of New York Wednesday, alleging libel and defamation over a since-deleted post detailing allegations of sexual misconduct against him.”

Check out kisslibrary.com and see if it’s offering digital books for download without authorization or payment of royalties. Someone uploaded two of my books and have been offering for sale on that website. Both books are e-published with Amazon KDP.
The kisslibrary firm is located in Ukraine, but it has responded very quickly with the DMCA notice filled, indicating that the books are no longer available, accounts have been cancelled pending explanations, and any money still owed to whoever uploaded the books will be forwarded to me. I checked and indeed the link to buy the books have been broken.
This doesn’t seem to be a scam where one needs to be a member. It seems to be legit, which begs the question of how are people able to upload copies of my ebook. Maybe the scam-like ones indeed have my books. This is disconcerting to say the least. Since you mentioned something similar on your last newsletter, I just wanted to share this one with you and your readers.