Blinking blue lights tell them when they’re working too slow?!
‘A sweatshop firing on all cylinders’: what it’s like to work at Amazon at Christmas
“The whir of the belt picks up, marking the beginning of shift. From the jump we’re pushed to the limit, and it won’t stop until the moment we leave. Blue lights blink, signaling that we’re working too slow. A new ‘seasonal’ manager looking to impress upper management comes by and tells us to pick up the pace while he just walks by without offering a hand. Thanks, buddy.”
American journalists should stop whining and appreciate the 1st Amendment
Cameroonian journalist imprisoned for publishing what is considered “fake” news
“Mimi Mefo is accused of publishing false information about clashes between the army and separatist militias. She is also said to have relayed a tweet that attributes the death of Charles Wesco, the American missionary killed in Bamenda to the Cameroonian army.”
More reporters imprisoned … but not in the U.S.
15 Saudi journalists arrested in a year, press freedom group says
“In most cases, their arrests have never been officially confirmed and no official has ever said where they are being held or what they are charged with…”
$3.4 Million embezzlement ruins publishing company
Bookkeeper Gets Two Year Sentence for Scheme that Destroyed Donadio & Olson
“‘Over the course of approximately eight years, Webb transferred at least $3,414,650 from D&O’s bank accounts into bank accounts controlled by Webb,’ the sentencing documents reveal. ‘The scheme spanned more than seven years, beginning in 2011 and ended only when the fraud was uncovered, in March 2018.'”
Whaaaaaat?? A journalist admits to “fake news?”
Germany: Der Spiegel says star reporter made up material
“The German Journalists’ Union DJU called the case ‘the biggest fraud scandal in journalism since the Hitler diaries’ that Germany’s Stern magazine published in 1983 and were later found to be forgeries.”
…And, he was named CNN’s “Journalist of the Year!”
Writer touted by CNN as ‘Journalist of the Year’ forced to resign for fabricating stories
The German magazine Der Spiegel revealed Wednesday that one of its top award-winning journalists fabricated many of his articles, inventing characters, sources, and their quotes “on a grand scale” for many years.
BuzzFeed wins in defamation suit
BuzzFeed Beats Defamation Lawsuit Over Trump Dossier Story
“On Tuesday, a Florida federal judge ruled that Gubarev is not a public figure, which looked like bad news for BuzzFeed. The standard required for defamation of a private person is considerably lower than that of a public figure, which requires a showing of actual malice.”
Do you have comments on these news items? Please share them in the Comments box below! 🙂
The Working Parent's Guide To Homeschooling
Dissatisfaction with public and private schools continues to grow, and with more and more acceptance of homeschoolers at colleges and universities, now is the time to encourage all those who are ready and willing, that they are able and qualified to teach their children, even and especially if they must continue working. The Working Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling answers questions such as, “How can I work and homeschool?” by showing the reader how to find what works for them.
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