Multiple bars sued for music copyright infringement
Joe’s on Weed St. Among Venues Sued for Copyright Infringement
“Legal action has been initiated ‘against bars and restaurants nationwide, arising out of the unauthorized public performance of its members’ copyrighted musical works,’ ASCAP said.”
Copyright small claims?
Coming Soon: A Small Claims Court for Copyright Infringement
“…the US Government would create a Copyright Claims Board. Three Copyrights Claims Officers, appointed by the Librarian of Congress, would serve a six-year term. Accordingly, they would adjudicate and settle infringement claims.”
Hollywood’s accused are starting to strike back
Ratner Sues For Libel Over Rape Allegation Posted On Facebook
“Hollywood director and producer Brett Ratner is suing Melanie Kohler for libel over a Facebook post in which she accused him of raping her ‘about 12 years ago.'”
Amazon takes the lead in online sales tax
Amazon steps into tax collection with service that could help states collect billions in lost revenue
“The Multistate Tax Commission estimates there’s more than $2 billion in annual uncollected taxes on sales just from Amazon sellers that use the company’s warehouses.”