Some university professors snub anti plagiarism service
Anti-Turnitin scholars call for rethink on tackling plagiarism
“’Plagiarism detection software, like Turnitin, has seized control of student intellectual property,’ write Mr Morris and
Professor Stommel. ‘While students who use Turnitin are discouraged from copying other work, the company itself can
strip-mine and sell student work for profit.’”
As expected, print book sales continue to rise!
Print Units Up 3% in First Half of 2017
“Unit sales of print books rose 3% for the first six months of 2017 compared to the first half of last year at outlets that
report to NPD BookScan. Units for the January-June period in 2017 totaled 310.7 million, up from 302.8 million a year
Copy editors protest as NYT trims its work force
Hundreds of New York Times employees stage walkout to protest copy editor cuts
“Employees at the New York Times are outraged over a recent decision to eliminate the newspaper’s stand-alone copy
desk, a team that includes more than 100 copy editors. These editors have been invited to apply for about 50 available
Can the media legally threaten to “out” someone?
CNN Clotheslined Itself
“In the span of two days, it managed to turn a story about the president making veiled threats of violence against the
media into a story about the media seemingly intimidating a private citizen in its haste to score a point against the

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