Another miss for Amazon!
Amazon’s face ID tool mismatched 28 members of Congress to mugshots: ACLU
“Face surveillance is flawed, and it’s biased, and it’s dangerous,” Jacob Snow, an attorney at the ACLU of Northern California, told Reuters.
No room for this in our industry!
WGA West Survey Finds 64% Of Female Writers Have Been Sexually Harassed On The Job
“In a recent communique to members, the guild said survey also found that 11% of male writers said that they too had experienced sexual harassment on the job.”
Boston Globe in the “copyright infringement” hot seat.
Aaron Hernandez’s Wife The Subject Of Copyright Infringement Case Against Boston Globe
“The Boston Globe has been sued for allegedly reproducing and publicly displaying a photo of Hernandez’s wife Shayanna Jenkins without consent.”
Flagged for infringing on his own work!!
YouTuber in row over copyright infringement of his own song
“Someone took my track, added vocals and guitar to make their own track, and uploaded it to YouTube, but I got the copyright infringement notice!”
Balancing libel laws and the 1st Amendment
First Circuit Holds Most Anti-Libel Injunctions Are Unconstitutional
Consequently, the injunction “sweeps … more broadly than necessary” by prohibiting the appellants from engaging in speech about a public figure “before an adequate determination that it is unprotected by the First Amendment.”
10 lawsuits in the past decade and she’s representing herself in this one, which is never a good idea…
Gubernatorial Candidate Sues Newspaper for Libel
“Every case I’ve filed, approximately ten, stands on its own merit but the public never hears about it. Hearst’s reporters dismiss and discredit me as litigious…”
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