No more “sold by Amazon” option for books…and no more “free Prime shipping?”
New Amazon Buy Button Program Draws Ire of Publishers, Authors
“A new program from Amazon is drawing a range of reactions from those across the publishing industry, from fear to downright anger. The e-tailer has started allowing third-party book re-sellers to “win” buy buttons on book pages. The program, publishers, agents, and authors allege, is discouraging customers from buying new books, negatively affecting sales and revenue.”
Amazon employee allegedly gave out customer’s personal information
North Texas Man Sues Amazon Over ‘Incredible Breach’
“Tsanacas has filed a lawsuit against Amazon.com and Chris Leath, an employee he accuses of accessing and distributing his private and confidential information to a woman Tsanacas he was dating.”
Are we seeing an Amazon business pattern here??
LTL carrier sues Amazon Fulfillment over contract breach, ‘bullying’
“According to the lawsuit, Amazon ‘bullied’ the company by attempting to force Central Freight into accepting unagreed-to billing and procedure changes, and allegedly falsely claimed Central Freight was overcharging for services.”
Can you be sued for calling your city officials crooks? Apparently so…
City of Ashland to provide up to $5,000 for defamation suit
“In the lawsuit, Moore listed statements made on The Ambassador’s Facebook page his plaintiffs believe are libelous, including accusations of law breaking and corruption.”
Is this sensibly protecting children or is it censorship?
School district pulls suicide book ‘Thirteen Reasons Why’
“As a Colorado community mourns the loss of seven students who recently killed themselves, a school district official ordered librarians to temporarily stop circulating a book that’s the basis for Netflix’s popular new series ’13 Reasons Why,’ which some critics say romanticizes suicide.”
Does posting free videos on Youtube hurt sales of the fee-based ones?
Jillian Michaels wins $5.7 million ruling over videos posted to YouTube
“The Tennessean reported on Thursday that the legal issue called in question whether free videos on YouTube devalue a creator’s paid content.”
If she really did this, she deserves to face the consequences
Local NBC reporter facing jail time for violating judge’s courtroom rules during ‘Bachelor’ Chris Soules’ hearing
“A reporter is facing the threat of jail time after allegedly violating a judge’s order not to take video of ‘The Bachelor’ star Chris Soules appearing in court in his hit-and-run case.”


Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
- Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
- Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography!
- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
Read more here: