Amazon Employees Afraid to Take Bathroom Breaks?
Several Amazon workers ‘have considered suicide since joining the company’, poll reveals while warehouse staff claim they have urinated into bottles because they’re afraid of ‘time-wasting’
“James Bloodworth, who worked ten-hour shifts at a warehouse in Rugeley, Staffordshire, claimed staff were peeing in bottles because they were scared of getting in trouble for taking toilet breaks.”
$34 Million Judgement Against Book Dog Books and Robert William Management
Publishers Win $34 Million in Counterfeit Textbook Suit
“…the jury awarded EPEG, which is comprised of Cengage, Pearson Education, John Wiley, and McGraw-Hill Education, a total of $34.2 million in damages…”
Author/Consultant Accused of Sexual Assault Sues Accuser
Franklin author accused of sexual abuse denies allegations
“Smith is suing Cochrun for $750,000 claiming these allegations have ruined his reputation, character and his business relationships.”
Olivia deHaviland Loses Suit Against Against FX
Olivia de Havilland’s lawsuit against ‘Feud’ creators gets tossed: She ‘does not own history’
“Whether a person portrayed in one of these expressive works is a world-renowned film star — ‘a living legend’ — or a person no one knows, she or he does not own history”