Absolute and Utter Injustice!
Victims Of Tate Publishing Scam Angry Over Plea Deal
“The owners of Tate Publishing admitted to bilking more than 2,000 clients out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. But those former clients are livid by the punishment the Tates will receive…”
Author House author falls victim to Author Pro
Publishing scam victimizes domestic abuse author
“Last year, a company called Author Pro convinced her they could promote her book and worked with her publisher. After a couple of weeks of talking to a representative, she sent them $1,000. That’s when Author Pro stopped taking her calls and emails.”
Portraying real people in fiction can be a legal risk
Supreme Court Denies Review of Olivia de Havilland’s ‘Feud’ Lawsuit
“Publishing a fictitious work about a real person cannot mean the author, by virtue of writing fiction, has acted with actual malice,” wrote the California appellate panel. “Recognizing this, in cases where the claimed highly offensive or defamatory aspect of the portrayal is implied, courts have required plaintiffs to show that the defendant ‘intended to convey the defamatory impression.’ De Havilland must demonstrate that FX either deliberately cast her statements in an equivocal fashion in the hope of insinuating a defamatory import to the reader, or that it knew or acted in reckless disregard of whether its words would be interpreted by the average reader as defamatory statements of fact.”
Was the Authors Guild survey flawed?
Here’s Why Authors’ Low Earnings Might Not Be As Dire As You Think
“Is being a full-time author simply a pipe dream? The answer’s a little more complex than the headlines make it seem.”
Will some scholars validate any (fake) thing that aligns with their politics?
Blowback Against a Hoax
“Author of a recent academic scam faces disciplinary action by Portland State, for failing to alert his research review board before hoodwinking journal editors with outrageous articles.”
Crooks are stealing authors’ manuscripts
Phishers are after something unusual in ploy targeting book publishers
“Several global book publishing houses and an international literary scouting agency have warned their staff of a flurry of phishing emails that seek authors’ and publishers’ sensitive information, including book manuscripts…”

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