Westchester Magazine, Westchester Weddings, Westchester Home and 914Inc.
2 Clinton Ave.
Rye NY 10580
Website: http://www.Westchestermagazine.com
Editor: John Bruno Turiano, Senior Editor.
Email address: edit-at-westchestermagazine.com
About The Publication:
“A regional lifestyle monthly publication located in lower-Westchester County covering education, wellness, parties and benefits, food and dining, interesting people, real estate, theater, music, cultural events, style and beauty, area celebs, and more.” Welcomes new writers. 40% freelance. Typically pays within 4-6 weeks of writer submitting story. Buys “First N.A. serial rights to the article, photograph, graphic illustration, or other work that freelancer submits to company, as well as the non-exclusive perpetual electronic rights in any existing or new formats, media or technology, whether edited or adapted, in whatever manner the work is displayed or accessed.” Responds within one week.
Guidelines by email.
Pays $75-$1000 for 150-3000 words.
Current Needs:
“Any lifestyle pitch connected to Westchester County, NY.” Pays approximately $75-$1,000 for 150-3,000 words. Submit query with bio and published clip by email.
Pays $75-$1000 for 150-3000 words.
“Writers should always ask subjects for photos after discussing with assigning editor what art is needed for article.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes