Published on April 30, 2020
author, diversify your writing income, ghostwriting, Print on demand, self-publishing, storytelling, traditional publishing, writing career advice, writing tips

I know how it is being under quarantine. You’re BORED. Bored OUT OF YOUR MIND! You want to write something FUN! What’s more fun (and easier!) than writing about YOURSELF???
Published on April 24, 2020
diversify your writing income, writing career advice, writing tips

I can’t take a road trip right now, but I know how to PACK for one! How creativity can land paying article assignments!
Published on April 24, 2020
author, book marketing, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, write that book, writing career advice, writing tips

Poetry is not a great genre if you’re wanting to earn a living writing books.
Published on April 16, 2020
article ideas, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice, writing tips

Here is a strategy that can help you expand your portfolio, give you more credibility, and even land you some paying jobs.
Published on April 9, 2020
diversify your writing income, Networking, social media, writing career advice, writing tips

If you’re not getting enough writing clients, this article of creative portfolio ideas will definitely help!
Published on April 9, 2020
diversify your writing income, Paying Markets for Writers, writing career advice, writing tips

Prepping, survival, off grid, and homesteading. You just might have the knowledge these publishers need for their readers!
Published on April 9, 2020
writing career advice, writing tips

“I work for a magazine and, like many others now, I’m working from home. That would be okay but the kids are here, too, and I have to supervise their online school lessons. I really don’t know how you do it! I am constantly interrupted and I can’t seem to get anything done, or finished. Do you have any tips?”
Published on April 3, 2020
diversify your writing income, ghostwriting, Networking, writing career advice, writing tips

Anything that causes grief or extreme stress can affect our ability to remain creative, and to keep working. This, in turn, can result in severe loss of income. Here are some helpful tips on how to keep working through tragic life events.
Published on March 20, 2020
diversify your writing income, Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers, writing career advice, writing tips

There ARE fiction periodicals that pay writers respectable amounts. Here are nine of them!
Published on February 27, 2020
diversify your writing income, editing, ghostwriting, writing career advice, writing tips

While writing for magazines is great, another category freelancers should pursue is private clients.