writing scams

Why “Free” Publishing Services Can Quickly Go Belly Up, and How They Can Keep Screwing Authors Years Later

Why “Free” Publishing Services Can Quickly Go Belly Up, and How They Can Keep Screwing Authors Years Later

Offering something for nothing is a really dumb business model. While working with a “free” company may seem tempting to some authors, these firms typically go belly-up pretty quickly. And, some end up ripping their former authors off for years after the firm’s demise…while holding those authors’ books hostage.

Promote Your OWN Website, Not Your Publisher’s

Promote Your OWN Website, Not Your Publisher’s

Author Andy was so excited! His new book was finished and he’d just approved his print galley. It was time to start selling books! His publishing company put his book up for sale on their website and sent him the URL where he could send people who wanted to purchase his book.
Andy didn’t have his own website or blog, but he didn’t think that would be a problem. Unfortunately, it was, on several fronts. And, while Andy and the other authors below are fictitious, the scenarios are based on real complaints we’ve received from authors over the years. In every case, had the author had their own website or blog, he or she would have lost few, if any, sales.

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