diversify your writing income

Topic, Common Themes, and Winners of the WritersWeekly.com SUMMER, 2019 24-Hour Short Story Contest!

Topic, Common Themes, and Winners of the WritersWeekly.com SUMMER, 2019 24-Hour Short Story Contest!

A wife sitting next to her husband by the water, sun spots in her eyes, sees a sexy silhouette approaching, and says, “Not again…” No, he’s NOT cheating on her (because we advised participants to NOT write about the first thing that popped into their minds). Read the top three winning stories! They’re awesome!!

Want Your Book Published BEFORE the Holiday Shopping Season? HURRY! Some people have ALREADY STARTED buying their gifts!

Want Your Book Published BEFORE the Holiday Shopping Season? HURRY! Some people have ALREADY STARTED buying their gifts!

As we all know, books are a very popular holiday gift idea! Don’t you want as many people as possible to unwrap YOUR book on the morning of December 25th? What do you need to do TODAY to make that happen?

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