My Writing Led to Non-Writing Income! Yours Can, Too! – by Dr. Marlene Caroselli

Your writing may open doors to other freelance income opportunities!
Your writing may open doors to other freelance income opportunities!
Non-paying, haggling, disrespectful, and other types of clients you should AVOID in the new year!
It was not until 2008, when I became disabled, and spent 6 years battling to receive benefits, that I began to use my creative writing skill-set as a means to support myself…
Many freelancers have a fluctuating income, which can cause stress, affecting our creativity and productivity. Not to worry! Today, accountant Doug Ronald is teaching us Zero-based Budgeting!
I went from zero dollars in writing income to thousands per month! Here’s what I did…
Spend more time writing and less time selling (yourself.) Learn how to win repeat projects from your current clients!
Seeing your name on a published piece is great. But, getting paid is FAR BETTER!
Finding your “unique” may be challenging, but can also be fun! Ask yourself these questions as they relate to your sub-niche content…
There are countless editors, cover designers, website creators, and others offering their services to authors online. But, there are other unique services available to authors that may very well benefit them, their book, and their profits in the long-run! Are YOU one of these individuals? Or, are you seeking these types of services?
Novice fiction writers often dream about leaving their day jobs in order to write full time. But, that can feel overwhelming (and completely fiscally irresponsible) for those without large advances. Still, the dream is there every time they sit down to write. But, you can make money writing stories and you can do it easily. […]