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School Board Member Alleges Publishers Add “Bonus” (free) Offensive Books to Library Orders – In The News – 07/29/2022

School Board Member Alleges Publishers Add “Bonus” (free) Offensive Books to Library Orders – In The News – 07/29/2022

MORE: Facebook stops paying news publishers; Amazon and big publishers tries to get out of lawsuit; Flame war at The New Yorker; Maryland’s ‘unconstitutional and unenforceable’ ebook law will cost the state $300K in legal fees incurred by the Association of American Publishers; and Update on Publishers vs. Internet Archive lawsuit.

Are You Watching Johnny Depp’s Defamation Trial… Hoo Boy!!! – In The News – 04/22/2022

Are You Watching Johnny Depp’s Defamation Trial… Hoo Boy!!! – In The News – 04/22/2022

MORE: Maryland gives up trying to force publishers to sell their ebooks under specific terms to libraries; WaPo reporter complained of doxxing, and then she doxxed someone; Barnes and Noble is doing GREAT!; Is this appropriate material for math textbooks?; One SICK children’s book!; Interview with the New York Times’ new editor; CNN+ gets shut down in the blink of an eye; Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg is an “advocate for women?” I don’t think so!; Russian news TV hosts laugh about nuking NYC; and Amazon Europe Unit does $55B in sales yet pays no taxes

Amazon/Whole Foods Sued for Not Hiring a Murderer – In The News – 02/25/2022

Amazon/Whole Foods Sued for Not Hiring a Murderer – In The News – 02/25/2022

MORE: Amazon suspends BLM charity program over spending controversy; Cancel culture insanity at a university; A man secretly owned a PR website where he promoted his own firm, and trashed his competitors; Social media posts are fair game in a divorce; Update on ResearchGate/scientific publishers’ lawsuit; Shopify sued for textbook pirating by its clients; and Fast Company sued for selling its subscriber list; Employee at Texas A&M copied and renamed an author’s book (about the university!) but the university is immune from the lawsuit?

Author ordered to hand over $5.1M in book profits. Here’s why… – In the News – 12/23/21

Author ordered to hand over $5.1M in book profits. Here’s why… – In the News – 12/23/21

MORE: Chef’s response to travel writer’s bad review goes viral; Photojournalist sues to block subpoena; Fortune magazine story may help send businesswoman to prison; Money-hungry Amazon deleted reviews criticizing Chinese President Xi Jinping’s book; Amazon workers stage walk-out over treatment and wages; Amazon driver told she’d be fired if she heeded tornado warning; Wife of French president sues over posts saying she’s a dude; China is influencing and FOOLING Americans with fake social media posts; HILARIOUS parody posted by a publisher; and Harper Collins settles lawsuit