How I Landed $3K in Freelance Jobs After Optimizing My LinkedIn Presence By William Opar

How I Landed $3K in Freelance Jobs After Optimizing My LinkedIn Presence By William Opar

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic job market, finding high-paying freelance gigs, or securing lucrative opportunities, can be a challenging endeavor. However, if there’s one platform that has emerged as a game-changer for freelance writers (including me) across various industries, it’s LinkedIn.

With its vast network of over 930 million users worldwide, LinkedIn has evolved from a mere online resume platform to a powerful tool for job seekers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs alike.

In this digital age, where the virtual realm dominates professional networking, LinkedIn has become an indispensable resource for those looking to land high-paying gigs and establish themselves as experts in their respective fields. It offers a unique opportunity to showcase your skills, connect with influential industry leaders, and explore job opportunities that align with your aspirations.

In this blog post, I will dive deep into the art of leveraging LinkedIn to unlock doors to high-paying freelance gigs and lucrative job prospects. And, I know what I’m talking about. I landed $3K in freelance jobs after optimizing my LinkedIn profile!

Let’s get started on your journey to LinkedIn mastery!

  1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Leveraging LinkedIn to land high-paying gigs requires a strategic approach that goes beyond simply creating a profile. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile to look professional is essential for making a strong first impression on potential employers, colleagues, and business contacts.

To achieve this, you must craft a compelling headline, and use a professional profile photo. Choose a high-quality, clear, and well-lit headshot.

Your headline should go beyond just your job title. Use keywords relevant to your industry to improve searchability. For instance, “Digital Marketing Strategist | Helping Brands Boost ROI through Data-Driven Campaigns.”

Craft a concise and engaging summary that showcases your career goals, accomplishments, and unique selling points. Use the first-person narrative for a personal touch, and include keywords that relate to your field. Customize your URL to make it more professional and easier to share (e.g.,

  1. Showcase your LinkedIn Portfolio

Showcasing your LinkedIn portfolio is a great way to enhance your professional profile, and make a positive impression on potential employers, clients, or business connections.

LinkedIn allows you to add a portfolio section to your profile where you can display various types of media, including images, documents, links, and videos.

To do this, click on the “Add profile section” at the top of your profile, and select “Featured” from the dropdown menu. Choose the type of media you want to showcase (e.g., documents, links, images, videos), and then upload or link to the relevant content.

  1. Build a Robust Network

Networking on LinkedIn provides opportunities for professional growth, networking, and career opportunities.

Connect with professionals in your industry, both within and outside your immediate network. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing. This not only increases your visibility, but also establishes meaningful connections.

For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, connect with fellow designers, art directors, and potential clients in the design industry. Personalize connection requests with a brief message explaining why you want to connect.

  1. Engage Actively

Engaging actively on LinkedIn is essential for building your professional network, enhancing your brand, and creating valuable connections.

LinkedIn allows you to publish articles directly on the platform. Share valuable content regularly, including articles, case studies, and industry news to establish yourself as a thought leader.

Comment on and like posts from your connections to foster engagement. For example, if you’re a freelance graphic designer, share before-and-after design samples or industry trends.

  1. Join and Participate in Groups

Finding and joining relevant LinkedIn groups is a valuable way to connect with professionals in your industry, share knowledge, and network.

Engage in group discussions to help you showcase your expertise. For instance, if you’re a cybersecurity consultant, contribute to discussions on the latest cyber threats or best practices.

To find such groups, log into your LinkedIn account. And, on the LinkedIn search bar at the top of the page, enter keywords related to your industry, interests, or the type of group you’re looking for. For example, if you’re in marketing, you could search for “marketing groups.”

  1. Use the “Open to Work” Feature

After the Covid-19 pandemic (2021), many people lost their 8 to 5 jobs. Many jobs were able to be done remotely. LinkedIn got creative in allowing people to display that they were open to working by creating an Open to Work feature. This feature enabled brands to identify people who could complete their tasks remotely.

Even today, clients still use the “Open to Work” feature to reach out to potential freelance writers. So, if you want to land direct and high-paying gigs, activate the “Open to Work” feature in your profile settings to signal to recruiters that you’re actively seeking opportunities.

Be specific about the type of gigs you’re interested in, such as “Open to remote freelance projects in content writing.”

To activate this feature, click on your profile picture or your profile name to access your profile. On your profile, click the “Open to Work” button, which is typically located near your profile picture.

You will be prompted to fill in details about your job preferences. This includes the type of job you’re looking for, location, job titles, and more.

  1. Publish Thought Leadership Content

Content is king. Publishing thought leadership content on LinkedIn can help you establish yourself as an industry expert, build your brand, and connect with a broader professional network.

Write and publish articles on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. Share your insights and experiences in your field. For instance, if you’re a financial consultant, write about strategies for retirement planning or investment tips for beginners.

  1. Engage in Direct Outreach

Direct outreach on LinkedIn is an effective way to connect with professionals, build your network, and achieve various professional goals such as job hunting, lead generation, or business development.

Determine your primary goal for reaching out to someone on LinkedIn. Whether it’s seeking job opportunities, expanding your network, or discussing potential collaborations, knowing your purpose will help you craft more personalized messages.

Identify potential clients or employers who align with your goals. Send personalized messages that focus on how you can solve their specific pain points. For instance, “I noticed your company is expanding into e-commerce. As a seasoned e-commerce consultant, I’d love to discuss how I can help you achieve your sales goals.”

Search for professionals, companies, or individuals you want to to connect with. LinkedIn’s search filters can help you narrow down your search by location, industry, job title, and more.

However, before reaching out, take some time to research the person’s profile. Learn about their background, interests, and any mutual connections or interests you may share.Top of Form

  1. Define Your Niche

Defining your niche on LinkedIn is an important step in building a strong and effective professional presence on the platform. Your niche should reflect your expertise, interests, and career goals.

Potential clients will hire you if they know exactly what you excel at. For instance, if you’re a marketing consultant, specify whether you specialize in content marketing, social media, or SEO.

Begin by taking a step back and reflecting on your skills, passions, and professional goals. What are you truly passionate about? What are your strengths and areas of expertise?

Consider your career objectives and the type of connections you want to make on LinkedIn. Are you looking for job opportunities, networking, or business partnerships?

Determine the industry or industries you want to be associated with on LinkedIn. Your industry should align with your background and career aspirations.


Mastering the art of leveraging LinkedIn puts you miles ahead of your competitors in the crowded job market. By implementing the nine effective strategies outlined in this article, you can position yourself as a top-notch professional in your field, and open doors to lucrative opportunities on this dynamic platform.

Invest your time in building your LinkedIn presence, like I did, and watch your career prospects soar.

William Opar is an expert Content Writer and Blogger who helps brands to grow their businesses and earn real money. He’s a freelance contributor to The Penny, and a savvy writer on Upwork. Feel free to contact him for high-quality freelance writing services. Get in touch via LinkedIn.




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