How to Advance from Amateur to Professional Travel Writer By Tim Cotroneo

Isn’t it time you turned off the Travel Network, and became a serious travel writer?
Isn’t it time you turned off the Travel Network, and became a serious travel writer?
Is a degree in journalism required to interview actors and big-name stars? NOPE!
A bard’s life often proved to be a challenging life, as the bard experienced similar difficulties that authors face today: Making a living, building a reputation, dealing with difficult audiences, and finding time to improve their craft….
Read this to see what happens when an author stops promoting their book.
You’d be surprised how many people ask me to share my email lists with them…for free.
Here is why having your book in a library rarely generates sales.
Countless writers and editors, who used to commute, and work in offices, are now working full-time jobs from home, with benefits, and earning more than $100K/year. Because of that, here’s what’s changing at WritersWeekly…
Which online bookstores should you link to when listing where to buy your book?
QUICK UPDATE: I started writing this article last week. My TikTok video is now up to 462,000 views.
Self-published books look just like traditionally published ones. The difference is in the text inside.