“Is a 1400-page memoir too long?”

“Is a 1400-page memoir too long?”

Q –

Hi Angela

If I decide to publish my memoir, what’s the bottom line on 1400 pages? Can it fit into one paperback volume?


A –

At BookLocker, our limit is 1,050 pages but I wouldn’t recommend a book that large. It would be very cumbersome for readers to hold while reading, and expensive to purchase.

I recommend publishing it in two or three volumes. That not only makes it more palatable for readers in terms of size and price, but will also give you the opportunity to use the first book to promote the second and third. This is called a loss leader…though you don’t have to sell it at a “loss.”

One method that works very well for promoting subsequent books in a “series” is to offer the ebook for the first in the series for free on Amazon, or at a very low price, like 99 cents. Then, you can include ads for the second and third books in the first book.

We offer this service to authors who have published a series with BookLocker.


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One Response to "“Is a 1400-page memoir too long?”"

  1. jedidiah manowitz  October 25, 2019 at 10:43 am

    1400 pages might be okay for Einstein or Newton, but for whoever wrote that letter asking you about the length should cut his by 90%.

    If you are not very famous, or did something incredibly aamazing that went viral on every social media then people just don’t care about you or your memoir even if you make it very short. And they will care less if you make it 1400 pages long.