Is That Movie/TV Show Substantially Similar to Your Book…or Not? by Harvey Randall, Esq.
The absence of substantial similarity proved fatal to Author’s copyright violation claims.
The absence of substantial similarity proved fatal to Author’s copyright violation claims.
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“I was able to break the contract before they went out of business. However, my book is still advertised on Amazon Children’s Books, with all of the previous information, pricing, etc…”
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Think someone copied the theme of your book? This article may save you thousands in legal fees.
Entire sections of the book contained information taken from websites but no websites or writers were given credit. So, is this copyright infringement or plagiarism? In this case…
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Q – I found a copy of my book is for sale online for $400! Why didn’t I get a higher royalty for that? It’s not fair that someone would get that much money for my book but I don’t get part of it! My publisher hasn’t responded to my emails. Do you know how […]
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