Published on January 7, 2021
author, Contests!, diversify your writing income, storytelling, writing tips
As with every Winter contest, you can expect some chill (brrrr!) and maybe some thrill! Or, maybe some suspense, some humor, some mystery? You’ll soon find out! We are super excited about this topic!!
Published on October 29, 2020
It’s our FAVORITE contest of the year and you do NOT want to miss the top three winning stories! Are you scared? You should be!! 😉
Published on October 9, 2020
Contests!, diversify your writing income, Networking, promoting your writing, writing career advice
Rewriting, revamping, and repurposing articles for resale is a common topic in the industry. But, have you thought about entering our previously published work in contests?
Published on September 10, 2020
Congratulations to Patrece Reed for being the first to answer “The Fall 2020 24-hour Start Story Contest!” What’s happening on this Saturday at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central Time?! Send your answer through the contact form here. You must be a subscriber to participate in the weekly contests. Subscribe today. It’s free! NOTE: ONLY […]
Published on September 10, 2020
article ideas, Contests!, specialty markets for writing, storytelling, writing tips
As with every Fall contest, you can expect some colored leaves, some chilly air, and maybe something creepy….or not! You”ll soon find out! We are super excited about this topic!!
Published on September 3, 2020
Contests!, storytelling, writing tips
She’s on her way back to the car with popcorn, candy, and a soda when all the lights go out at the drive-in. Then, the screen lights back up with… YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THE WINNING STORIES!!
Published on July 9, 2020
complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Contests!, writing scams
“I would like to make sure that other authors are not taken in by Elite Choice Awards, if in fact it is a scam…” LOOK WHAT WRITERSWEEKLY FOUND.
Published on July 9, 2020
Contests!, storytelling, write that book
Are you ready for a romantic beach-read topic? Or, will it be a something intriguing and suspenseful? Or, will it be something else entirely? You”ll soon find out! SIGN UP TODAY FOR TONS OF FUN!!
Published on May 28, 2020
Contests!, promoting your writing, specialty markets for writing, writing tips
Bluebonnets adorn the table at a dinner with the neighbors…but are they REALLY flowers???
Published on April 16, 2020
Contests!, diversify your writing income, promoting your writing, storytelling
I can make the case that writing contests were instrumental in my eventual success as a writer.