Published on April 2, 2020
Contests!, storytelling
Are you ready for a happy-go-lucky Springtime topic? Or, will it be a something intriguing and suspenseful? Or, will it be something else entirely? You”ll soon find out!
Grab a fresh cup of coffee, put on your comfy shorts, open the window, turn on your laptop, crack your knuckles, and get those creative juices flowing!
Published on January 9, 2020
Contests!, storytelling, welcomes new writers
You can read ALL of the previous Winter contest topics at…
Published on January 2, 2020
Contests!, diversify your writing income, Paying Markets for Writers, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing

This week, I’m sharing our 20 “most clicked on” articles for 2019. Some of these were published before 2019 but they remain popular, and two aren’t related to writing at all, but show that posting personal items can attract more people to your publication. Enjoy!
Published on November 14, 2019
According to last week’s issue of WritersWeekly, what did Emma Hall refer to as a whole new sales channel for books? Send your answer through the contact form here. You must be a subscriber to participate in the weekly contests. Subscribe today. It’s free! NOTE: ONLY ONE WINNER PER HOUSEHOLD PER CALENDAR QUARTER, PLEASE. […]
Published on October 30, 2019
author, Contests!, diversify your writing income, storytelling, writing tips

Children catching falling sugar maple leaves, a cold, dangerous river, a protective mother…and a toothless man with a dripping red shirt… You’re going to LOVE the winning stories for the Fall 24-Hour Short Story Contest! DO NOT MISS THE FIRST PLACE WINNER! IT’S AWESOME!!
Published on September 3, 2019
Contests!, welcomes new writers, writing career advice, writing tips

Why mow the lawn, or run boring weekend errands, when you can HAVE FUN WRITING WITH US?! Click here to read the topics from the last eight fall contests! Grab a fresh cup of coffee, put on your comfy sweats, turn on your laptop, crack your knuckles, and get those creative juices flowing! We can’t wait to see where YOUR imagination takes us!!
Published on August 27, 2019
Contests!, diversify your writing income, writing career advice

A wife sitting next to her husband by the water, sun spots in her eyes, sees a sexy silhouette approaching, and says, “Not again…” No, he’s NOT cheating on her (because we advised participants to NOT write about the first thing that popped into their minds). Read the top three winning stories! They’re awesome!!
Published on July 11, 2019
Contests!, diversify your writing income, writing tips

Click here to read the topics from the last eight summer contests! It’s HOT! It’s HUMID! Get out of the heat! Grab a fresh cup of (iced) coffee, put on your comfy shorts, crank up the ceiling fan, turn on your laptop, crack your knuckles, and get those creative juices flowing!
Published on June 6, 2019
Contests!, write that book, writing tips

A violent storm, a blast of cold air, and a furious attempt at escape… Where would YOUR imagination take this topic?
Published on May 9, 2019
Contests!, diversify your writing income, storytelling, welcomes new writers, writing tips

Entering writing contests is a great way to supplement your income between writing projects. A list of free and low-entry-fee contests is featured right here!