book marketing

How Can I Make Money Giving Away A Free E-Book On Amazon?

How Can I Make Money Giving Away A Free E-Book On Amazon?

Is it sensible for me to promote my latest book by giving away some free ebooks on the Kindle? How can I avoid pitfalls about poorly-formatted MOBI formatted ebooks (I’ve heard horror stories), and what costs should I expect for publishing my ebook, and for promoting it?

Sell Your Books At Art Fairs! By Kimberly Carlson

Sell Your Books At Art Fairs! By Kimberly Carlson

I was a bit skeptical of the idea of selling books at art fairs even though the idea was mine. But, I have been willing to step out of the box in order to sell my novel, Out of the Shadows. As it turned out having a little booth at art fairs has been profitable, and I sell more books than I have at book signings at Barnes and Nobles or independent bookstores.

Rock Your Book Talk! Do’s, Don’ts And Tips By Susan Sundwall

Rock Your Book Talk! Do’s, Don’ts And Tips By Susan Sundwall

These days writers must sell themselves, it’s a given. We’ve got to look for and latch onto any opportunity to self promote. Book talks are an excellent way to do it. Senior citizen groups, local service clubs, libraries, schools, and writers groups all have a frequent need for speakers and we must serve – if we want to sell, that is. Of course the first step is informing everyone by phone call, letter or email of your availability to speak. Then, as the dates pile up, you’ll need a plan…

How to Test Your POD Publisher’s Sales Reports By Angela Hoy

How to Test Your POD Publisher’s Sales Reports By Angela Hoy

On occasion, we hear from authors who are accusing their distributor of theft because their or “ranking” moved…but their actual sales numbers did not. Several years ago, one author claimed she was owed millions because her Amazon ranking was…in the millions. As you’ve probably guessed, this is a common problem. New authors often try to use bookstore rankings to estimate their sales and that doesn’t always work…especially if those authors don’t understand how the rankings are calculated…

How To Sell More Books On Twitter! By C.M. Saunders

How To Sell More Books On Twitter! By C.M. Saunders

Unless you’ve been living under a rock since 2006, then you probably already have a Twitter account. But, are you using it to its full potential? It’s a sad fact that most writers don’t. There is slightly more to it than keeping track of what people you’ve never met are having for breakfast. When used […]

29 Reasons Your Books Aren’t Selling By Angela Hoy

29 Reasons Your Books Aren’t Selling By Angela Hoy

You’re depressed. You’re confused. You’re thinking about giving up writing altogether. Why? Because the only people who have bought your book are your mom and your Aunt Bertha. With more than a million books published each year now (most of those self-published), there is lots of competition. However, many authors earn enough in book sales to feed their families. How do they do it?
Some of this may be hard to hear (I mean read) but, if you clicked on this article, you’re obviously seeking the truth. So, here it is…