Should I Send Paperbacks or Hardcovers to Book Reviewers?

Should I Send Paperbacks or Hardcovers to Book Reviewers?

My self-published book is in paperback and hardcover formats. I know the hardcovers are more expensive but I think they are more impressive, and might garner more attention from reviewers. I am looking at this from a business perspective – ROI. What has been your experience?


Hi Bob,

Yes, hardcovers are nice but I think the expense will outweigh any benefit. Even paperbacks that get nice reviews may not lead to many, if any, book sales. Please see:

Throwing Away Your Money on Review Copies?

Many POD publishers would LOVE to convince you that buying a pile of hardcovers for book reviewers will lead to significantly increased book sales but that’s just not the case. They’re just trying to get more money out of you. At, we don’t do business that way. 🙂


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One Response to "Should I Send Paperbacks or Hardcovers to Book Reviewers?"

  1. Kevin R. Tipple  January 14, 2016 at 7:48 pm

    I prefer hardbacks simply because the type face is usually a little more legible than paperbacks. They also tend to hold up better than the paperbacks do.