book marketing

Ask These 3 Questions BEFORE Starting Your Book! – Anne Violette

Ask These 3 Questions BEFORE Starting Your Book! – Anne Violette

As an author, and speaking on behalf of all of us collectively, our primary goal in writing a book is to achieve blockbuster sales and mega success. It’s the ultimate dream happy ending for authors, even if the novels and books we write don’t require a happy ending for the readers. For some, it may even be the reason for writing it…

Selling Books Abroad – Eric D. Goodman

Selling Books Abroad – Eric D. Goodman

We were planning a vacation to (and travel story on) Spain anyway. Adding a book event to the visit was a great way of mixing business with pleasure – and it proved to be an effective way to sell books and create some buzz with a new readership.

What Free Product Should I Use For Book Promotion?

What Free Product Should I Use For Book Promotion?

I’ve been reading your book, 90 DAYS OF PROMOTING YOUR BOOK ONLINE: Your Book’s Daily Marketing Plan.
It is very handy to have all the info. in one place.
I especially like the idea of an ezine (Days 4-7 in the book), and think I could write one about my ideas on writing fiction. I need to find something to offer free to attract new subscribers and I have an idea I’d like to run past you.
I have an unpublished non-fiction manuscript. Even though I now write novels, does it make sense to offer chapters of my non-fiction book as the free item to attract people to subscribe to the Ezine?

A Texas Tea and Book Party By Celia Yeary

A Texas Tea and Book Party By Celia Yeary

Three years ago, the release of my first novel excited me, yes, but it also threw me into a dither. A dither, if you’ve never been in one, is similar to mild hysteria and confusion. All other authors I knew at the time talked about book signings, and I attended a couple of them. In my opinion, that might not work for me, as they don’t seem to work very well unless you are the author of the Harry Potter series. How many readers would drive to a bookstore and buy my book? I feared not many, and there I’d be, all alone in public, people walking past me, ignoring the books on the table. The thought of buying a big stack of books and not selling them didn’t make me comfortable, either…

Blogging to Sell Books By Eric D. Goodman

Blogging to Sell Books By Eric D. Goodman

I’ve always identified myself as a writer. Only recently have I come to admit that I’m also a blogger. I blog about writing, about the love of literature, about all things literary. But the truth is, I blog to sell books…

Novel Strategies for Using Press Releases When Writing By John K. Borchardt

Novel Strategies for Using Press Releases When Writing By John K. Borchardt

Press releases give me a lot of article ideas. Writing shorts based on a single press release used to be a major part of my freelance magazine writing business. Online news sites were particularly lucrative. However, over the last several years I have found that it has become more difficult to get queries based on a single press release accepted by editors. Several other freelancers I have spoken with have said the same thing. Why is this? What strategies can you use to get article assignments based on press releases?