Published on September 21, 2011
book marketing
I’ve always identified myself as a writer. Only recently have I come to admit that I’m also a blogger. I blog about writing, about the love of literature, about all things literary. But the truth is, I blog to sell books…
Published on December 1, 2010
book marketing
Press releases give me a lot of article ideas. Writing shorts based on a single press release used to be a major part of my freelance magazine writing business. Online news sites were particularly lucrative. However, over the last several years I have found that it has become more difficult to get queries based on a single press release accepted by editors. Several other freelancers I have spoken with have said the same thing. Why is this? What strategies can you use to get article assignments based on press releases?
Published on October 20, 2010
book marketing, diversify your writing income, promoting your writing, social media
I’ve received dozens of queries from writers on using social networking to promote books and we’ve run articles on this topic before. What we haven’t touched on is NOT having Facebook, or another social networking site, be your sole online presence…
Published on March 3, 2010
book marketing, self-publishing
One of the biggest mistakes new authors make is believing that blindly mailing copies of their book (or, worse, emailing copies of their ebook) will result in sure-fire coverage by book reviewers and journalists. They waste this valuable opportunity by making several common mistakes.
Published on September 30, 2009
book marketing, book signing advice
Most authors learn the hard way that when starting out, traditional bookstore signings can be discouraging. Very quickly we are forced to find or accept more creative, even unusual venues to sell our books. When my first novel was released, I was horribly inexperienced in the world of marketing. I focused almost primarily on bookstores or festivals, scheduling twenty or more events in and around the Midwest that first year. Out of those twenty plus gigs, only two drew sales worth writing home about. Two.
Published on September 23, 2009
book marketing
Most writers are aware that using Twitter and Facebook, and advertising on their own web sites, are effective ways to get your name, message and materials to a great number of people. However, there are other avenues to work with…
Published on September 9, 2009
book marketing
Are you looking for new places to give promotion information on your latest release? I have several that I found helpful for press releases, promotional materials (bookmarks, pens, brochures with book excerpts, and other items), and media kits.
Published on April 8, 2009
amazon, book marketing
Amazon recently announced they would be removing other book names and links from book reviews. Some so-called book reviewers are furious about it…because they were accustomed to using Amazon’s book reviews option to promote themselves. While I’m no fan of Amazon, for once, they’re doing something I agree with!
Published on November 28, 2007
book marketing, self-publishing
Don’t pay for reviews that can ultimately harm your reputation!
Published on October 24, 2007
book marketing
Here is an idea I am trying and you can pass onto your readers. In my neighborhood we have about 700 kids that come around the house for ‘trick or treat’ and since my book is…