
Living Light News

Living Light News
#200, 5306-89 Street
Edmonton Alberta, Canada T6E 5P9

Phone: (780)468-6397
Fax: (780)468-6872

Editor: Jeff Caporale, Editor.
Email address:

About The Publication:

75% freelance. “We are an award-winning evangelical Christian lifestyles newspaper featuring news, sports and entertainment which glorifies God and shares the Gospel message.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 80K. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-3 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. Accepts reprints. Responds 1-2 weeks. Sample by sending international postal coupons of $3.50. Subscription $19.95. Pays $0.10/word for 500-1200 word count.

Current Needs:

“Writers who have knowledge of and access to prominent people in entertainment and professional sports who are professing Christians.” Pays $0.10/word for 500-1200 word count. Submit query via email or cover letter via mail with international SASE.

Pays $0.10/word for 500-1200 word count.


Negotiable after story is accepted. Pays $20 CDN ($15 US) for first; $10 CDN ($8 US) for subsequent photos.


“Due to the timing of our publication we do not publish Christmas related material.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes