Journal of Information Ethics
Box 32
West Wardsboro VT 05360
Phone: (802)896-6781
Website: https://mcfarland.onpressidium.com/imprint/journal-of-information-ethics
Guidelines: https://mcfarland.onpressidium.com/imprint/journal-of-information-ethics
Editor: Robert Hauptman, Editor
Email address: Hauptman@stcloudstate.edu
About The Publication:
“JIE publishes columns, articles and reviews that deal with the production, dissemination, storage and retrieval of information in an ethical context.” 75% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Biannual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within two years of acceptance. Responds within one week.
Pays $25-$50
Current Needs:
Queries. Pays $25-$50. Submit query by email.
Pays $25-$50.
“JIE is a scholarly publication; write mellifluously.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes