It’s the last week of July. Next week is the first week of August. People in the south know what I’m talking about. It’s hotter than Hades outside! Hopefully, after next week, things will start to very slowly get a bit better. Our new “home” has new air conditioners and even sun shades but the heat seems to be penetrating every port and hatch orifice by late afternoon. All we can do is hunker down inside, and pray nobody needs to open the door for anything. We must keep our precious cold air from escaping!
How hot is it?
1. Because there was no breeze on the bay, and because it was so stifling, the boys were “ordered” by their instructors to have a water fight during their sailing class yesterday.
2. Mason brought his dessert outside last night, a single (large) chocolate truffle. Even in the shade, it started to melt before he could even get the wrapping off.
3. We haven’t had any seasonal thunderstorms coming off the bay in three days now. The raindrops are probably afraid of boiling if they hit the pavement.
4. Rambo, our long-haired Maine coon cat, will ONLY go outside after dark. During the day, he lies on our bed looking miserable.
5. Nobody wants to cook dinner right now. Not only does an active kitchen warm up the entire place…but who wants to eat a heavy, homecooked meal when it’s 90 degrees at 7:00 p.m.? The local delivery place is appreciating all the business!
6. Neighbors passing by don’t stop to say hello. They just fake a smile, grunt, and hurry towards their own air conditioned refuge.
7. We have weekly dock parties that start each night “when it cools off.” This week, most folks showed up after 9:00 p.m.
And, finally…
8. I wish some of our neighbors knew that their particular brand of deodorant really isn’t keeping up with the demand right now…
One evening this week, it was stifling and windless. All of the sudden, a slight breeze began to blow in our red faces and we all simultaneously sighed.
Mason said, “Wind is God’s air conditioning!
Hugs to all!
P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for the FALL, 2017 24-Hour Short Story Contest! There’s a limit of 500 spots so SIGN UP TODAY if you want to play!
We’ve Been Keeping a Secret… Can You Guess What It Is?
A Screaming Cat and Flying Buckets! Whoo hoo!!
Funny Photos from Our Beach Vacation! No, REALLY!
Lesson Learned from Capt. Ron? LIVE Life While You Still Can!
Read More News From The Home Office
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
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- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
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Cheers to Mason, that’s a keeper! I have never lived “on” the water, so I don’t quite understand why you can’t just jump ship and take a swim in that beautiful back yard. Is it too far down? Water not clean? Sharks? Please explain to us landlubbers.
We’ve had tons of rain here (it’s the rainy season) and there’s been to much run-off of insecticides, waste, and more. Some of the local beaches have been closed recently. Yucko. Oh, and yes, there are sharks here in the marina. 😉
It’s hot at my edge of desert city in Canada too. We’ve been having low to mid 30s and next week is 38 and 39 (100 and 102 F). But in a couple of weeks if things follow course, fall will peek in and stick its tongue out before taking off for a month or so. You know though that summer is broken and even the trees stand there like they say we’re done.
Amazing though the number of people who insist on wearing black (and red etc) on torpid days when those colours absorb heat.
Drink 80 ounces of water a day and you’ll cool off your system.
Cheers and happy summer on your snazzy houseboat!
It’s a 52-foot Irwin center cockpit sailboat. 😉
This weeks Masonism was great, but #8 was side-splitting priceless!
Thank you! I had fun with that. 😉