We decided to give the boys a break from the mayhem of summer (ha ha) last week by taking them go-karting. Since it was the middle of a weekday, our new employee, Brian, was invited along, too, of course. I hadn’t ridden a go-kart in several years so I had no idea what we were in for.
When we entered Tampa Bay Grand Prix, we filled out the forms on little ipads and then we entered the indoor racing area. I was speechless. These go-karts (“electric Italian pro-karts”) were going SO FAST! I got nervous because Mason is only 10 years old and he’d never ridden one before. I voiced my hesitation and Mason said, “Don’t worry, Mom. The kids only get to go 25 mph.”
I looked around and none of the other parents appeared anxious so I pushed my fears aside, and sat down to watch. A couple of races later, they called Mason’s name for the kids’ race. He listened to the instructions, put on a cloth head covering (I thought, ‘Oh good, he wouldn’t get lice!’) and a huge helmet, and got into his “pro-kart.” The employees helped strap the kids in the cars. Of course, I watched to make sure they strapped Mason in really tight!
A few minutes later, they started. Some of those kids had obviously done this before. They were whizzing by at top speed. An employee has a remote control where they can regulate how fast each kart goes. They can even stop all the karts if they need to.
Mason was a bit timid. Okay, he was a LOT timid. He was going slower than everybody else. He was going SO SLOW that we thought he was either using the pedals wrong, or that there was something wrong with his cart. Nope, he and it were working just fine.
If the karts had horns, they’d have all been beeping at him to get out of their way. I breathed several deep sighs of relief. Other kids were coming up behind him, and then racing around him but he didn’t care. He was having the time of his life, going about…5 mph.
Next, it was the adults’ turn. Our names were on the board. Angie, Richard, Max, several other normal names, and then…”Bubba Burger.” I rolled my eyes, and commented about the name to the others.
A few minutes later, I realized Brian’s name wasn’t on the board yet. I asked him about it, you guess it! He replied, “I’m Bubba Burger.” We all cracked up!
We put on our head coverings and helmets, got into our karts, strapped up, and started our race. It was an adult race so we got to go 50 mph! Whoo hoo! It was a blast!! We were all very competitive. At the end, you get a print-out showing who won.
Of course, “Bubba Burger” did (sigh)…
Here are a few pics:
When I asked the boys what they wanted for dinner, Mason replied, “Chinese food.” He then hesitated, and said, “China is a bad country…but they have really good food!”
We Just Hired An Ex-cop And Veteran…Who Lives On A Boat
9 Surprising Benefits Of Homeschooling…And Why It’s SO Easy!
First Week in St. Pete? A Car Accident AND a Tropical Storm! Whoop!
Camping For Boys = Quiet Writing Time For Me!
When Your Child Gets Caught in an Ocean Current…
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
- Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
- Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography!
- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
Read more here:
How fun! Cheers to Mason! It sounds like he’s on the right path to becoming a sensible driver once he reaches that “parent’s dreaded” 16-years-old!