WritersWeekly/BookLocker bought numerous items for a local children’s Christian orphanage for Christmas and we used their Walmart.com wish list, not their Amazon one! Shipping was all free, the online interface was simple and flawless, and most of the items arrived within just two days!
Target And Walmart Beat Amazon On Wall Street
“What’s behind this change? Target and Walmart have got their business model right.”
“Contractor” Law has Blowback Effect on Freelancers
Freelance Journalists Sue California Over Controversial Labor Law AB 5
“The lawsuit comes less than a day after New York-based Vox Media ended contracts with hundreds of freelancers in California who write for the sports blog network SB Nation. Vox Media now plans on hiring 20 full-time and part-time staffers.”
10 Year Sentence for Publisher in China
China Jails Guangxi Publisher For Corruption After Books Banned
“He was detained after he published a number of cutting-edge titles under the publisher’s Lixiangguo imprint, including ‘How the Red Sun Rose,’ a historical analysis of the role of late supreme leader Mao Zedong in the rise of the Chinese Communist Party during the 1940s…”
God Forgives, the Government Doesn’t…
Edward Snowden’s book profits must go to the government, judge rules
“The judge writes that Snowden’s ‘failure to participate in the prepublication review process’ made it impossible for the judge to question hypothetical decisions about that review.”
A Local Newspaper Can be Yours for FREE!! – In Alaska.
Small-town Alaskan newspaper seeks new owner. Price: $0
“The local newspaper’s financial predicament has become all too common. Facing online competition for readers and advertising dollars, publications have struggled and folded across the country.”
Aaaand ANOTHER Publisher with Royalty Issues..
Scandal Engulfs Independent Publisher Chizine Publications
“In September of last year, several authors, including Ed Kurtz, made a complaint to the Horror Writers Association about long-overdue royalties at ChiZine…”
China Used NYT and Washington Post as Propaganda Platform – and neither publication tried to stop them?!
China Violates Disclosure Law to Publish Propaganda in NY Times, WaPo
“China Daily, an official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, has published hundreds of propaganda articles designed to look like ordinary news stories in some of America’s most influential newspapers.”
More Publishers, More Problems…
Publisher Alerts: Complaints at Month9 Books, Nonstandard Business Practices at Black Rose Writing
“Over the past few weeks, I’ve been contacted by multiple writers who say they are still suffering from the same problems that surfaced in 2016: primarily, late (sometimes very late) royalty and subrights advance payments and statements (in many cases received only after persistent prodding by authors and their agents), and allegations of irregularities in royalty reporting.”
Is Amazon now wanting to put shipping companies out of business?
Amazon Blocked Sellers From Using FedEx And Now We Know Why
“Earlier this week, Amazon announced that sellers on its site will not be permitted to use FedEx for deliveries to Amazon Prime customers.”
So, if that “new” product you bought smells a bit funny…
You Might Be Buying Trash on Amazon—Literally
“Just about anyone can open a store on Amazon.com and sell just about anything. Just ask the dumpster divers…”

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