Author Dan Brown Countersues Ex-Wife for Libel; UN Sued for Defamation over Black List; Blue Lives Matter Lawsuit; and MUCH MORE – …In The News – 08/20/20

Author Dan Brown Countersues Ex-Wife for Libel; UN Sued for Defamation over Black List; Blue Lives Matter Lawsuit; and MUCH MORE – …In The News – 08/20/20

COVID even trumps Chinese propaganda!
The Pandemic’s toll on Chinese Publishing
“The disappointing results made us realize that the lack of resilience of our underlying business model and our structural issues…”

How effective is suing the U.N.?
Israeli Company Sues UN for Defamation Over Publishing of Black List
“The purpose of the list is to bring about an international boycott of these companies, including businessman Rami Levy’s supermarket chain and cellular network.”

Grab some popcorn!
‘Da Vinci Code’ author Dan Brown countersues ex-wife for libel and slander
“According to Blythe Brown’s suit, she accuses her ex-husband of ‘secretly’ siphoning their funds to spend ‘lavishly’ on multiple mistresses, she only learned of after the couple’s divorce was finalized.”

Politicians are blatantly picking and choosing who has a right to free speech.
NYC pro-police groups say ‘Blue Lives Matter’ mural falls under First Amendment rights
“The lawsuit accuses the officials of violating their First Amendment right by denying their request to paint a mural in lower Manhattan to honor the more than 30 police officers who have been fatally shot in the line of duty this year.”

Shouldn’t they have done this YEARS ago?!
Publishing Leaders Issuing Warning over Amazon’s Market Power
“Three of publishing’s most important organizations have teamed up to write a letter to the chairman of the House Antitrust Subcommittee investigating the market power of Big Tech to press their case that, over the last several years, Amazon’s growing dominance over book publishing and bookselling has fundamentally altered the competitive framework of the industry.”

Does anyone even read/watch ads in traditional media anymore?
Madison Avenue Meltdown: Marketers, Media Outlets Feud Over Billions of Dollars in Advertising
“With advertisers confounded by the ability of TV viewers to skip past commercials with the help of a new gadget known as a DVR, Scanzoni in 2007 rallied TV networks and big marketers to agree to the unthinkable — a change of the bedrock measure of how advertisers pay for the commercials they run on television.”

This is a GREAT business idea!!
Texas Company Launches Five Celebrity Curated Book Clubs
“Literati, an Austin, Tex.-based company begun in 2017 that offers book subscription boxes for children, is expanding into virtual, branded book clubs. The book clubs will be overseen by a quartet of celebrities…”

Because they didn’t write the posts, that’s why!
Why are social media companies exempt from libel law?
“Early in the process, it was the lawyers’ considered opinion that message boards were safer to publish in unedited fashion; once you started picking and choosing whose comments got in, you were taking greater responsibility for the content.”


Read More "In The News" Here.




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