We TOLD you not to put all your eggs in Amazon’s basket!
Amazon Reducing Orders to Publishers
“In order to deal with congestion issues at its warehouses, Amazon has been cutting book orders to publishers over the last several weeks. It isn’t clear how widespread the reduction in orders is, but several independent publishers contacted by PW reported cuts in their weekly orders since late October. One publisher reported that an order placed last week was about 75% lower than an order placed last year at this time. ‘It’s a nightmare,’ the head of one independent publisher said.”
NOTE: We will explain what this could mean for publishers and authors in next week’s issue of WritersWeekly. Subscribe today (it’s free!) to be notified when it’s posted.
Author admits to chopping up lover; arrested before suicide attempt
Napoleon professor confesses to chopping up lover in Russia after woman’s arms found in backpack
“Students described Sokolov as both a talented lecturer who could impersonate the French emperor and his generals and a ‘freak’ who called his lover ‘Josephine’ and liked to be addressed as ‘Sire’.”
1st Amendment Suppression, Criminal Cops, and City Cover-ups… Welcome to California!!
Appeals Court Temporarily Blocks Order Barring Fullerton Blog From Publishing Secret City Hall Documents
“The investigative report, published by newspapers across the state Sunday, detailed misconduct and criminal behavior of police officers around the state, including drunk driving, domestic violence, assault, theft, embezzlement and sex offenses involving a minor.”
Print Periodicals Continue to Dwindle
‘Sports Illustrated’ Scaling Back To Publishing Just Once a Month in 2020
“The move reflects the dwindling print business as the digital age continues moving forward in full force. Newspapers around the country have cut their issues in half, trimmed down the size of pages, laid off staff or even gone out of business if they couldn’t sell it.”
Chicago Tribune says “Hasta la Vista” to its All-Spanish Newspaper
Tribune Publishing shutting down ‘Hoy’
“The paper was Chicago’s largest aimed at the city’s Latino community, which makes up roughly a third of Chicago’s 2.7 million residents.”
Broadcaster Accused Lt. Governor of filing “SLAPP” suit – a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation
CBS: Lt. Gov.’s libel lawsuit an effort to silence accusers
“A broadcaster sued for defamation by Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax after airing interviews from two women accusing him of sexual assault said in court papers that his lawsuit is an attempt to silence his accusers.”
She Didn’t Name Him, but She Still Got Sued
Press group: Hollywood libel lawsuit could set bad precedent
“The Virginia Press Association asked Friday to intervene in a $50 million lawsuit Depp filed against Heard, his ex-wife. Depp says he was defamed by an op-ed piece Heard wrote in The Washington Post in December 2018, in which she never identified Depp by name but referred to herself as a ‘public figure representing domestic abuse.'”
Dead People Can’t Sue!
Can you libel a dead person?
“Q: A professor recently committed suicide at my school. Rumors abound that he had been caught up in a financial scandal, but he’s obviously no longer around to interview. Is it possible to libel a dead person?”
An Educational Read!
Those who want to ‘open up’ libel law should study 1950’s Broward County case | Opinion
“The landmark libel case, New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), is among the most important First Amendment decisions in American history. A civil rights case and a libel case, Sullivan paved the way for the national press to cover the civil rights revolution in the South without fear of reprisals from angry white supremacists.”

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