Publishing Garbage!
Predatory Journals: No Definition, No Defence
“Predatory journals are a global threat. They accept articles for publication — along with authors’ fees — without performing promised quality checks for issues such as plagiarism or ethical approval. Naive readers are not the only victims. Many researchers have been duped into submitting to predatory journals, in which their work can be overlooked.”
WIMP ALERT!! Magazine bows to leaders of other countries…
British GQ Put China’s President And Thailand’s King On Its “Worst Dressed” List, Then Removed Them Online So As Not To Cause Offence
“When British GQ published its prestigious annual list of best-dressed men — this year topped by actor Timothée Chalamet — the magazine’s staff also named 10 of the world’s worst dressed.” (And, the later removed two of them.)
Libraries bite back at publisher ebook restrictions on new books.
Local Libraries Banning Some Books in Battle with Publisher
“That means Georgetown County Libraries could buy one e-book version of (Nikki) Haley’s new autobiography to share among its facilities and the seven other counties it shares a system with, including Dillon.”
Remember – “Free Speech” is About Protecting Speech you DON’T Like.
Millions of US College Students Still Denied Free Speech Rights, Report Says
“Legal experts and constitutional scholars told The Epoch Times that the free speech rights of college students have indeed been threatened across the United States. They say that college campuses generally claim freedom of speech only when it fits their agenda, and indicate that administrative policies at educational institutions need to change.”
“Choose Your Own Adventure” … Is Trademarked!!
The Choose Your Own Adventure Publishers are Trying to Get the Phrase Banned from Itch.io
“Chooseco has enforced its trademark on ‘choose your own adventure’ before. It sued Chrysler in 2007 over a Jeep marketing campaign that used the phrase, and more recently, it alleged that Netflix had violated its trademark in Black Mirror: Bandersnatch.”
Boy! Newspapers Really Don’t Like Being the Ones Under the Microscope.
Clint Eastwood & Warner Bros Threatened With ‘Richard Jewell’ Defamation Suit From Atlanta Newspaper
“Heroically having helped get hundreds of civilians out of harm’s way just before the July 1996 bombing in Centennial Olympic Park, the AT&T security guard later was cleared by the Bureau and the media after about three heavily scrutinized months as virtually public enemy No. 1.”
Fake News Lawsuit
Dan Bongino files $15M defamation suit against The Daily Beast for ‘reckless disregard for the truth’
“There is only one way to make these people pay and that… we have to use the legal system and do it the right way,” Bongino said. “This is really disgusting… They picked on the wrong guy. I’m not going to allow you to defame my character.”
Perhaps “Amnesty International” Should Rename Themselves “Anti-Semitic International.”
Amnesty International Canada Questions Freedom of Speech and Assembly
“If you think Amnesty spoke up in favor of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and against violence and disruption by protesters, well, you haven’t been paying attention to how groups that used to believe in human rights have evolved into groups with a particular obsession with hating Israel…”

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