Trademark Battle – Little Free Library
Little Free Library, Founder’s Family Clash Over Organization’s Direction
“This would mean … that if any individual or neighborhood organization built and displayed any type of wooden book box, they could be subject to legal action, even if they called the container by another name.”
Competition For Amazon’s Publishing Operations
Can Bookshop Become the Indie Amazon?
“Right now, Amazon offers the only viable affiliate program for book purchases. If authors and publishers want to support indies and link to IndieBound, they have to forego revenue. Bookshop plans to give affiliates a larger portion of sales than Amazon.”
Should Scientific Knowledge, That Researchers Make a Living Compiling, Be Given Away for Free?
Don’t Let Science Publisher Elsevier Hold Knowledge for Ransom
“Many academics (and EFF) believe that scholarly research most effectively advances scientific progress when it is widely available to the public, and not subject to the paywalls erected by publishers.”
Working “Smarter” – Not Harder. Blank Books Sell on Amazon
Amazon Sellers Are Self-Publishing ‘Blank’ Books — and Turning a Big Profit
“’I couldn’t believe that people would spend $6.99 on a hundred-paged blank paperback,” he says on his website. ‘But they do.'”
Possible Suicide of Newspaper Publisher
Waycross Newspaper Publisher Found Dead in Office
“The Ware County newspaper had recently ceased publication in September due to financial issues, citing the overwhelming loss of advertising dollars to Facebook and other outlets.”
Facebook Announces is Own News Outlet
Hope Springs Eternal for Publishers Trying yet Again with Facebook News
“Some think the new product is designed to take some of the regulatory heat off of Facebook, or to at least put pressure on Google. Others think its team of human curators is only there to train Facebook’s algorithms to pick a different kind of story.”
Clash of Titans
News Corp Fires Warning Shot at Turnbull Publisher
“News Corp … fired off a terse letter … on Friday, warning Malcolm Turnbull ’s publisher to ‘carefully consider and check certain matters you may publish’.”

Make Sure Your Marketing is Targeted at the Right Audience

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