News Celebrity Publishes Book with Positive Message
Ainsley Earhardt of reveals the strong faith behind her new book, ‘I’m So Glad You Were Born’
“‘I was so glad that day had occurred and that he was born,’ said Earhardt, ‘because I felt God was using him to change so many lives and because we all love him so much.'”
Navy Vet Describes Women’s Integration into Service
Lebanon native Jewell publishes book about Navy
“Yosemite was the first ship with women as part of the ship’s complement to spend extended out of port time at sea. It evolved into a story to give folks a glimpse of life at sea on a Navy ship.”
Sports Rules up in the Air as Concussion Expert is Accused of Plagiarism!
AFL and Fifa must rethink concussion rules amid Paul McCrory plagiarism claims, says expert
“McCrory resigned as chair of the Concussion in Sport Group in March amid earlier allegations of plagiarism in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.”
Russian Physicist Fought Scientific Plagiarism, So They Arrested Him
Russia Restricts Activities of Plagiarism Campaigner on ‘Extremism’ Charges
“The Anti-Corruption Foundation was dubbed ‘extremist’ by the Russian authorities last year.”
If You Didn’t Take the Photo, It’s Not Yours!
After Settling with Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande, Photographer Sues Miley Cyrus for Copyright Infringement
“If Defendant’s contention that the ability of photographers to hound celebrities in public (or at times in private locations), in order to profit off of their likenesses, and then turn around and sue those same celebrities for posting their own images on social media, is anathema to what the Copyright Act is intended to protect…”
This Business is Being Accused of Selling Counterfeit Items
The Texas Chainsaw Copyright Infringement? Bastrop County business sued by film copyright owner
“In the lawsuit, Vortex’s attorney asks for actual damages or $150,000 in statutory damages per infringing work, for a total $9.9 million, as well as legal fees and all profits from sales of the goods.”