Banned books always sell the best!
French official’s attempts to outlaw ‘I hate men’ book backfires as sales skyrocket
“A French official’s decision to speak out against a book he said was an ‘ode to misandry’ appears to have backfired after sales of the book in question – ‘Men, I hate them’ (Moi les hommes, je les déteste) – have exceeded expectations, forcing extra print runs after the book sold out just weeks after its publication.”
Journalist jailed for cover trial about homeschooling.
Journalist jailed for attending trial about parents homeschooling their children to prevent the state from indoctrinating them with Marxism
“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo welcomed the release of Cuban journalist Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces from a year in prison on Sunday, calling Havana “disgraceful” for punishing the writer for covering religious persecution on the island.”
The press release was not “substantially true.” Huh?!?!
B&N Knocks Out Defamation Claim by Fired CEO
“…a federal judge in New York this week dismissed a defamation claim filed by Parneros, but ruled that a trial can proceed on a claim of breach of the covenant of good faith.”
It seems they only do the right thing when they’re caught doing the wrong thing.
Amazon deleted 20,000 product ratings after an investigation highlighted paid-for reviews
“An investigation by the Financial Times analyzed the behavior of top reviewers in the UK. One user posted a review every four hours, on average, during August, and then sold duplicate products on eBay.”
In case you were worried that your book won’t sell this Christmas
Holidays are not cancelled this year; Halloween and Christmas sales ramp up earlier than usual
“Maybe they didn’t or couldn’t go on a vacation this year. With all that money set aside, they are going big on Christmas.”
Appreciate the First Amendment – while you still have it.
Pakistani Christian sentenced to death for ‘blasphemous texts’
“Pakistan’s strict blasphemy laws prescribe a mandatory death penalty for the crime of insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, and strict penalties for other infractions such as insulting Islam, the holy Quran or certain holy people.”
First question: Why did they think people would buy a book written by Lindsay Lohan?
Book Publisher Sues Lindsay Lohan for Breach of Contract
“After the due date passed and Lindsay hadn’t submitted a manuscript or shown that it was even close, HarperCollins said it nixed the book deal in fall 2018 and told LiLo it wanted its money paid back.”
This pirate book site must have been doing big business for Amazon to jump in and fight them.
Judge issues preliminary injunction for Amazon and top authors in lawsuit against ‘pirate’ book site
“The defendants did not show up to a court hearing on Tuesday to discuss the preliminary injunction.”

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