Hey Sports illustrated! It’s not your CEO. It’s your anti-police position!
Sports Illustrated publisher ousts CEO James Heckman after slew of controversies
“Since then, Heckman has run into controversy for hosting a Blue Lives Matter website on its ad platform.”
Okay, how do you miss THAT?
Mormon cover art sparks row for Catholic publisher
“He is the angel that appeared to Joseph Smith and directed him to the golden plates that were translated and we know now as The Book of Mormon.”
Amen, Russell!!
Russell Crowe: ‘Hunt-to-kill’ tabloid journalism attitude in traditional news, social media ‘not taking us anywhere good’
“That type of language has come into social media, where people feel a need to have this hugely angry response straightaway…”
Pretty childish, wouldn’t you say?
CNN contributor doxxes journalism intern
“Rangappa then screenshotted the contact form Nester used, blasting the fledgling journalist’s phone number to more than 600,000 followers on Twitter.”
More infantile behavior from a reporter…
CNN’s Joe Lockhart attacks Sandmann as ‘snot nose entitled kid’ after network’s defamation suit
“I’m watching tonight because it’s important. But i [sic] don’t have to watch this snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky…”
Interesting analysis, but doesn’t diminish people’s attraction to the Word
The Good Book’s Not So Good Numbers
“The report tallies a boom of 24 million new Bible app uses between January and June 2020 and Bible-related searches hit a five-year high during the pandemic.”
I can’t believe I never knew that guy’s last name…
National Enquirer chief David Pecker loses top job in company merger
“Pecker, 68, was the chief executive and president of American Media since 1999. Accelerate said Friday that he would take on a new role, executive adviser.”

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