Author Complaints At GenZ Publishing
“Keeping royalties in order to reimburse publishing expenses is not standard publishing practice (it’s also nothing like an author advance).”
In the fine tradition of Mainstream Media journalists straight making up fake news…
USA Today Deletes 23 Articles Following Investigation Into Alleged Fabrication By Reporter
“They added that Miranda resigned from USA Today in recent weeks, as the investigation progressed. The Times also reported that Miranda allegedly meddled in the investigation into her conduct.”
What can possibly go wrong?
Amazon drones are coming to town. Some locals want to shoot them.
“’They’re invading our privacy,’ said Tim Blighton, a cement contractor who lives near Lockeford and who said he once threatened to shoot down a neighbor’s drone flying over his house.”
Autobiography by best selling author
James Patterson’s life adventures and personal stories revealed in new book
“Woodward wrote, ‘I felt I was interviewing James Patterson under the highest permissible dose of sodium pentothal, the truth serum, for hours — and he spilled the whole story of his truly astonishing life.'”
Corporate Espionage?
OCLC Sues Clarivate Over Potential WorldCat Competitor
“Defendants have been contacting OCLC customers and encouraging them to contribute the bibliographic records from WorldCat, and provide access to those records from the MetaDoor platform, all of which is in direct breach of those customers’ contractual obligations to OCLC…”
Perhaps Mickey should get his nose out of Florida politics and clean up his own house.
The #DisneyMustPay Task Force Calls on Disney–Again–to Pay the Writers
“You’ve failed to pay these writers royalties they’re legally owed, and have not given them the courtesy of royalty statements and reprint notices.”